I have a problem. It’s a #firstworldproblem, I have to admit, but for me, it’s taking up a lot of mental energy right now: I’m struggling to find knickers for my wedding that I like.
I know! My current lingerie wishlist could go for days – I have much-desired garments practically coming out of my ears (not that I can afford even a tenth of that list!). But bridal knickers? I’ve just come up against a brick wall.
I’ve actually ordered and tried a couple of sets already, but they haven’t taken my fancy in person. Because this is part of the problem: apparently I can’t be happy with just buying a pair of bridal knickers by themselves: it feels unbalanced to buy a pair of fancy knickers without the bra to complete the set. I’m more than happy to buy comfortable, everyday knickers alone; I’ll also buy bras by themselves, although I’m striving to get more complete sets nowadays. I know it won’t be a waste as I intend to rewear my wedding lingerie at every chance, so it’s not like I’ll be buying a set to wear the knickers on the day and the bra will never be worn. But that matching bridal set is completely eluding me. I feel like I have to be in love with both the top and the bottom in order to rewear them, and I also want them to be a good fit.

So for me, I want my wedding knickers to fit a pretty specific criteria:
- White/ivory or pale blue (as a “Something Blue”) – I know it’s not completely necessary to have a “bridal” coloured pair of knickers, but I just kind of want that.
- Be more interesting than just a standard pair of briefs, whether that’s high waisted, with some stunning detail etc.
- Have a matching bra that fits me – so I’ve just limited my selection down by about 95% there, even when looking at sister sized 30 and 32 bands!
- Be comfortable – above all, this is key. I don’t want to spend my wedding day readjusting a thong that’s ridden up or being bothered by itchy lace.
- Ideally British made or from a UK store to avoid long shipping (I’m scared of any time delays right now!) and duties fees.
I’ve been keeping a list of all the potential knickers that have caught my eye and that could work – some of these have sadly had to ruled out already for not meeting one or another of my criteria, but I’m listing them anyway as they could be your perfect pair! I actually have one set listed here waiting to be tried on when I get home this evening, so please cross your fingers (very tightly!) that they will be The Ones – I only have 2 months to go!