Hello, Gorgeous!







Hello and welcome to Big Cup Little Cup. We’re super excited to get the balls rolling (…) on all the lingerie fun time! This blog is about underwear in all its forms – but mostly it is to save the world from bra-related injustice.

Apparently, we’ve all been wearing the wrong bra size for years (I know, who knew?!) Content in our blissful ignorance that, despite the fact your tummy may be flat as a pancake, your supposed ‘back size’ is a 36. Sian is the leader of this revolution, and Charley is her disciple. Guru and follower. Sheep and Goat. (I’ve never quite understood that last reference, but it seemed to fit nicely into the tricolon, and who am I to get in the way of wordplay?)

So here’s a bit of a heads-up on what’s in store for BC-LC. We’ll be going Undercover Underwear shopping – checking the brands big and small, to see how we measure up … or rather, how they measure up! Individually we’ll talk about our bra histories – our prejudices and old time favourites – our bra-related fears and phobias – and what it is exactly each of us wants out of those well-fitting triangles of material. We’ll be checking out some more specialist bras, so you don’t have to put down a ton of money on that ‘multi strap bra’ which isn’t as multi strap as it may make out. Strapless – seamless – stick-on … we’ve got you covered. We’ll also be straying out of the realms of bradom and into the boobs that lurk below. Lumps, bumps; tissue and issue – breast-related trauma is something we’re not unfamiliar with, and one of the most important things (we think) is for there to be a comforting link on the end of that first Google search: ‘Shit! I think I’ve found a lump in my breast!’ And on that note we’ve enlisted the professional voice of a lovely doctor, who’ll be answering all our medical woes in much more accurate ways than we ever could.

We are also lucky enough to have (wait for it – we’re really excited about this one) the pragmatic and wise voice of our very own lovely Yorkshire lad, in ‘Ben on Boobs’. Honestly, it’s gonna be a real winner.

And we haven’t even reached the realm of reviews yet … Reviews! There will be LOTS of them! And not just from us. Big Cup Little Cup is all about celebrating the female body – we’ve all got different jiggly bits, and that is freaking awesome. Who wants an army of identical automatons with exactly the same shape?? Not us. And not our lovely blog. We’re enlisting the help and bodies of friends and family to truly represent the vast spectrum of body shapes out there, and the corresponding underwear that will (hopefully!) fit them, and make them feel utterly wonderful. Because, really, there aren’t just big cups and little cups. There are also medium-sized cups, young cups, lower cups, higher cups, cups that will never form a freaking cleavage (ahem … excuse me), and sometimes not even any cups at all. We may not be your body type – but hopefully, as we build our BC-LC family of collaborators – someone on this blog will be.

 Big Cup Little cup Lingerie Blog



  1. Katy K
    November 19, 2013 / 1:37 pm

    Sounds amazing girls, and I’m going as far as to say the inclusion of the word “shit” means this post is from LittleCup. Fab writing style!
    Anyway, this big body NOcup will happily join in the brazier revolution! Ping my bra-strap if you need me, and good luck xxx

    • admin
      November 20, 2013 / 3:25 pm

      Thanks Katy! I’m sure we’ll come a-pinging … 😉

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