Review | The Strap Saver

A couple of months ago, we were introduced to an exciting new product that we thought would be ideal for some of our readers. While neither of us suffer from the problem of having straps that are too long normally, we have had inquisitive readers with this issue, and this could definitely be the answer to your prayers if you have high set breasts, narrow shoulders or bras where the strap elastic has simply worn out over time (although we do recommend you probably find a new bra in this case, unless of course it’s an old favourite ;)). Fortunately we did have the perfect person to do some testing for us, Charley’s younger sister, who stepped up to the plate to take on this review for us.

We were sent two pairs of the Strap Saver – one 1/2″ wide one in black, one 3/4″ one in tan, with the intention that the wider one would be better for “Big Cups” as straps normally get wider as cup sizes go up. Unfortunately, we managed to swap them around and didn’t have the chance to reswap, so our Guest Cup, who is usually around a 30D like Charley, had to make do for the testing for this post with ones that were slightly too wide for her straps – nevertheless, the Strap Savers still functioned as promised. You have the option of black, tan and metallic for your Strap Saver, and sizes run from 1/4″ up to 1″ – there’s also a handy guide to measuring your straps on the Buy page.

Strap Saver review

There are two ways to use these strap savers; basically, one for straps which are already ‘alterable’, and one for straps which are ‘unalterable’ (like most bikinis). Use wise, they are super easy to insert. There are simple instructions on the website, and as soon as you figure out you thin side from your thick, you’re set! The double loop adjustment might take a few minutes to get your head round, but this is where the strap saver really comes into its own. I regularly suffer from bikini-strap-slippage, and even get it with some looser strappy tops. It’s amazing that these can be made adjustable now, and really makes a difference not having to retrieve your strap a million times a day!

Comfort wise, the super sleek design means that there is virtually no difference to just having a normal bra strap, if fitted correctly. They also sit very securely on the strap; we didn’t experience any annoying movement on the straps.

The strap saver can be something of a mini-miracle! It’s one of those little added extras that you never knew you needed, but once you start adjusting, you just can’t stop! I’m now gradually making my way through my wardrobe, finding all the dresses, tops and bikinis which used to annoy me with slipping straps. No more! 🙂 They’re not the most glamorous lingerie accessories—but they’re certainly up there with the most useful!

Strap Saver reviewAs we mentioned, the Strap Saver doesn’t only need to be used on the basic bra strap – it’s also perfect for bikinis, sports bras and even tank tops with unalterable straps – amazing! They retail at $15 each (for the first pair, then you can save $5 on each additional pair) which is currently around £9.50 – for a little miracle device that can be used over and over, we don’t think that’s half bad!
And now for the exciting part, the ladies at Strap Saver want you to be able to experience their product yourself so they’re offering you a chance to win $50 + $25 in merchandise, simply enter in the widget below – good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. August 25, 2015 / 2:11 pm

    We’re so glad that you loved our product as much as we did! 🙂 (and I especially enjoyed the British language difference – ‘to get your head round.’ 🙂 ) Thanks to the lovely USPS, it’s only an extra £1 to ship to the UK!

    Shari + Beth @ The Strap Saver

  2. Emma
    August 25, 2015 / 4:07 pm

    Hi Sian and Charley! I’m amazed how much bra straps vary – in both length and stretchiness! Cleo’s straps are the bane of my life as they’re just so narrow and stretchy – I prefer wide firm ones. I’m 5 foot 4 so not particularly short but as I have a fairly short torso I struggle with some of the Tutti Rouge straps being too long – unfortunately my Birds of a Feather has the unfortunate pairing of long AND very silky/slippery straps which means whenever I wear it I am constantly adjusting – very annoying! I love little bra fixes like this!

  3. Tasha
    August 28, 2015 / 12:14 am

    This would be so amazing! I have so many bras i love but can no longer wear as the strap is just too long!

  4. Michelle
    August 28, 2015 / 12:14 am

    I don’t like strapless bras, because they’re too tight, so I wear regular ones with tank tops. One day, I had on a tank top with my regular bra and I was outside sweeping my apartment porch, when my landlord saw me and came up to talk to me. He was always flirty and usually made me uncomfortable. This time he really made me uncomfortable, when he noticed that my bra strap had slipped down my shoulder and he decided to adjust it for me!!

  5. Laura R.
    August 28, 2015 / 4:35 am

    When I was a kid and first wearing bras, I actually had hand-me-downs for a little while . I was out at bowling practice and I remember after every frame having to run to my mother to help me readjust the straps because they just wouldn’t stay up. And after I got home they more or less disintegrated. I’m pretty sure I only got new ones after that.

  6. Angela T
    August 28, 2015 / 8:07 am

    Bra straps always slip on me, no matter how tight the strap first was, it always seems to slip. This also happened to me in high school, when I was doing a presentation, in the front of the class, with a top that REALLY needed a bra. That was very close to a nipple slip in front of the class. UGH the struggle! I’m very curious to see how these hold up with more slippery straps.

    • admin
      August 28, 2015 / 9:20 am

      You’ve got us curious too! I’ve got a bra with super thin and slippy straps (from forever 21, it has Peter Pan on it so is by definition amazing, but not the best fit or design…we’ll give it a test with this bra and post a little update to let you know how it fares!

      • August 29, 2015 / 1:34 pm

        We would love to hear this too – we have yet to find a strap we can’t save, but we’re always open to improvements if necessary! 🙂

        Shari @ The Strap Saver

  7. Kelsey
    August 28, 2015 / 7:08 pm

    Before I discovered that sports bras actually come in my size (thank you Panache!) I went on a quest to find some sort of sports bra that could strap me down enough to work out a little, I found one that was clearly straining and squished my in not very flattering ways but it fit well enough I could manage. So I take it home, remove the tags and put it on to do a little cardio, 5 jumping jacks later the strap breaks! Heart breaking and rude 🙁

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