We’re all desperately seeking something, whether we know it yet or not.
Big Cup Little Cup was never meant to be just about us, and now we’re nearly six months old (can you believe it?!) we’re finally ready to get the ball well and truly rolling on our guest cups. We have a dream, people, a dream that these hallowed, pastel-coloured pages will host not only big cups and little cups, but cups of all shapes and sizes to be enjoyed!
(Although not enjoyed *too* much. We’re calling you out, dirty man who perved on Sian and then had the audacity to email us about it. If there’s such a thing as internet based sexual harassment – then you’re guilty of it. Your Mother would be ashamed of you.)
Back to the guest cups. The premise is a simple one – we don’t represent every body shape and boob type, much as we’d love to be covered head to toe in wobbly bits to put into lingerie, we’re not. The idea is to recoup as many different guest-breasts as possible, to review / interview / feature or just generally ramble. Maybe one of our guest cups will have the same issues as you (yeah – I’m talking to you, the one sitting with the computer on your lap. By the way – LOVE your hair colour. You look gorgeous), maybe they can offer advice. Who knows! MAYBE one of our guest cups will even BE you! Sounds like we’re getting existential here, but don’t worry, this is just a shout out.
If YOU have something interesting to say, then get in touch. We do prefer that this be lingerie / boob related, but if you can draw an interesting parallel between Syria and breast shapes, then all the better.
Coming up very shortly, we have two guest cup reviews. Above is our beautiful friend Fran – a big cup desperately seeking support. Helen will also be posting in the next few days – a Mummy-Cup-To-Be desperately seeking maternity bras.
We hope you enjoy! 🙂